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Yoga Festivals & Events
Being outside can intensify the yoga experience in many ways, since nature inspires all the things you try to drive home with...
Community Class
We don't have to but we want to. OMIYOGA keeps this motive to run charity-based and community classes. We now have a team to keep this...
Yoga Retreat
心靜如初 淨滌之行 台灣瑜伽輕斷食課程 讓我們懷著初心 展開這趟潔淨身心的瑜伽旅程 跟內在溝通 聆聽自己的需要 重啓身體自我療癒的能力 在自然環境中 重新連結跟世界的微妙關係 讓自己在放鬆的狀態下 好好的靜止 放下 再重新出發 數天的時間 讓身體接受新的嘗試 體驗 養成新的習慣
Corporate Class
I cannot image YOGA could be that great for team building. We had a lot of fun in this one hour class. Corporate classes for Adidas Hong...
Yoga Workshops & Group Practice
We provide yoga teacher training courses and workshops for different levels of yoga practitioners. We also welcomed group classes...
Media Exposure
久坐不動易致雙腳水腫假肥胖 2組雙人瑜伽動作瘦腿消腫 Healthy Life . Skypost . 2022 July 上班一族經常久坐不動,容易令下肢⾎液循環不良,從而造成雙腳水腫,甚至有假肥胖問題。《晴報》邀請到瑜伽老師Naomi教大家做2組雙人瑜伽動作,大家可與家...
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